Monday, July 23, 2007

Vacation at last!--The dissertation is done! DONE! Woo Hoo!

Yeah man, it's done. I uploaded the PDF to the NSYSU E-Thesys website Saturday night and in 3 workdays I can be ready to pick up my diploma. . .the actual event is planned for next Tuesday. I finished on the same day that "Deathly Hallows" became properly available.

Amy and I are on vacation in Taipei, attending a "happy summer English camp" thing organized by the ministry of education, a series of courses on how to use the Internet to teach English in our college classes.
Coral and cousin Tina are also in Taipei attending a 'young model' camp. It's lovely to be done with my dissertation. LOVELY!
Falling asleep.
Amy is great!!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

TGIG! Thank God! I've graduated!

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I alone escaped to tell thee.

A Graduate without a Diploma. . .

Hi, sorry it's been a while. It's been (as usual) an intense time. But I have graduated, and the oral defense is over successfully with a score (my adviser says it's a good one) of 88. I'm working on working up a final version of the diss to submit to the school; then I will be able to get my diploma. I am shooting for either this coming Friday or else the following Tuesday, and I hope Amy will come with me!
More later. . .