Friday, March 28, 2008

Government Class Weeks 12 and 13

Hi, there is no class for week 12, as it's a local holiday. So don't come to class! In fact, don't come to work at all!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I shall have my will!

Here's a marvelously helpful tidbit from "Daily Writing Tips," a devotee of which I am. I also encourage, by the bye, these other mailing lists, which are always interesting and enriching:

  • Delancey Place--nonfiction exerpts
  • A Word a Day--themed week by week, these words and their origins are always fascinating and contextualized.
And also by the way, I'm getting deeper into the digital lifestyle these days, as possibly an escape hatch from the real world of storm and stress. Here are some of the things I'm getting into:
  • Open ID: I am using for my open ID which can be used for my ID at many other sites.
  • Facebook
  • My Twitter Page
  • MySpace
  • Diigo
  • (used for about a year now)
  • Animoto (as you can tell, I guess)
  • YouTube
  • Plus I am really lovin' Ubuntu, the newest incarnation of which, Hardy Heron, comes next month!
  • Plus-plus, opensource in general.
Wishing you a merry little March!

Thursday, March 20, 2008