Jonathan's ready for his closeup, Mr. DeMille!
Here are the pictures and video from 12/18/2009! Great, aren't they??
Dedicated to the proposition that although all people are created equal, our presuppositions about them influences our perceptions--our imagination gets mixed in with the truth. "Forging" means not only striving to create something, but also, sometimes, creating something that is "not quite true."
Here are the pictures and video from 12/18/2009! Great, aren't they??
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10:14 AM
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Last Friday, 12/18, Grandma Chen took our Jonnie to Taipei to our agency for photos and video. Turned out great! Hope you will enjoy this!
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10:06 AM
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Here is another comment on Dan Brown's writing that I found in one of my very favorite mailing lists, Daily Writing Tips.
Just to share for a bit. A good insight. A great mailing list, too!Two things contribute to the flow of sentences within a paragraph:
1. sentence length
2. logical progression of thoughtIn browsing my shelves for examples, I realized that some very popular writers don’t seem to share David’s concern regarding “jumpy” narration.
Here’s a typical paragraph from Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code:
Langdon and Sophie stepped into another world. The small room before them looked like a lavish sitting room at a fine hotel. Gone were the metal and rivets, replaced with oriental carpets, dark oak furniture, and cushioned chairs. On the broad desk in the middle of the room, two crystal glasses sat beside an opened bottle of Perrier, its bubbles still fizzing. A pewter pot of coffee steamed beside it.
Not a complex sentence in sight. It doesn’t seem to matter if Brown is being reflective or describing action. Most of his sentences are simple or compound. Here and there the reader comes across a noun clause introduced by that, or a an adverb clause introduced by as or as if. Mostly it’s dumpty-dumpty-dump.
Yes, Dan Brown is a wildly successful writer and I’m happy for him. His gift, however, is story-telling, not writing style.
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12:36 PM
person(s) have something snide to say
This time, Chris told the utter truth about bloggery, Creativity, Dan Brown, Digital Lifestyles of the Distracted, parodies, Sly Pop Culture References, Sticklers Unite
"Also, the author uses so many italics that even brilliant experts wind up sounding like teenage girls. And Mr. Brown would face an interesting creative challenge if the phrases “What the hell...?,” “Who the hell ... ?” and “Why the hell ... ?” were made unavailable to him. The surprises here are so fast and furious that those phrases get quite the workout.This cracked me up--particularly the second paragraph quoted above. Brown's condescension knows the same bounds as Kanye West's or Mr. Wilson's propriety [assuming that "Katherine" is unable to recognize the language that gave us all these lovely root words, but the intellectualissimo Langdon does--and the narrator is trying to wow us with his acuity on a point that the reader is not assumed to have recognized unaided].
Then again, Mr. Brown’s excitable, hyperbolic tone is one the guilty pleasures of his books. (“ ‘Actually, Katherine, it’s not gibberish.’ His eyes brightened again with the thrill of discovery. ‘It’s ... Latin.’ ”)"
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9:45 AM
person(s) have something snide to say
This time, Chris told the utter truth about bloggery, Creativity, Dan Brown, Digital Lifestyles of the Distracted, Education, Funnies, Literature, parodies, Reading, Sticklers Unite, Writing Projects
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2:19 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Education, Interruptions, neostalgia, science
While babysitting, I took some photos to entertain Jonnie, and also a brief video:
Wanted to share with you, so here they are in Posterous. Also, here's a brief home vid from my MacBook (forgive the jerkiness--hard to film while moving).
Enjoy, friends and family members!
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4:24 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Family News, Home Videos
Wow, family fame based videos for you!
Two of Coral at her lovely catalog photo shoot last month, and one of my appearance on Taiwanese TV. Both groups of videos come from Tutze, "Rabbit", our friend, as they happened. I'm posting two of these here, but there's one more of Coral too. Visit one of these videos at YouTube (channel name is oshuhua) you can watch any of our videos there, including future ones.
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9:14 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Exhaustion, Family News, Home Videos, movies
Coral had a great photo shoot two Saturdays ago for a Fido Dido catalog. Here are some of the behind-the-scenes photos by our agent's assistant, "Rabbit." Doesn't Coral look fabulous?? We feel she appears very mature for her age (9 years old).
You can see these as a photo gallery at my new Posterous blog!
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8:30 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Family News, Family Photos, Interruptions, Kids' Modeling
I hope you will all enjoy this. It was suggested by my high school friend, Leo Memolo. Instead of the original lyrics of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" (was that by Jim Steinman? Sounds like!), what we hear (and it has subtitles!) is a literal description of what happens in the video--sung to the original music. Brilliant.
Yes, it is by Jim Steinman. Thanks again for the video and the information, Leo.
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8:10 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Creativity, Friends, Music, parodies, Sly Pop Culture References, Sticklers Unite
Now I'll attempt to add more photos from the same day in January of 2006.
With us in Washington, D. C. and Sterling, VA are some of my favorite people in the world: Alex and Lynne Franke and their darlings, and Allan and Elycia Lindsey and their delights. We had a magical day. . .one of the most recent ones that our own family has spent together in the USA.
Visit my new and elegantissimo Posterous blog to see the earlier ones before they routed through to Facebook and Twitter. I want to see if these will also be saved at Picasaweb. . .
Posterous, you are so swave and debonair.
Yahucka yahucka plah.
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11:32 AM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Digital Lifestyles of the Distracted, Exhaustion, Family News, Family Photos, Friends, neostalgia
Hi, I'm making the attempt. . .here's the flv file of the TV show I did in Taiwan on being a foreign husband of a Taiwanese wife and living here.
I am not at all sure this will work. . .but here goes!
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11:03 AM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Exhaustion, Family Fame, Family Videos
Eowyn is now in the IV League, but hopefully she'll be graduating tomorrow. She started to get fevery last-last Saturday and went to a local doctor for it, but the fever returned, so we went to our old doctor; still it returned last Tuesday (a week ago) so we took her to the hospital in Changhua. She's still there. Most of the time I've been with her.
She is not massively sick—mostly a runny nose—but the fevers are worrying, so she’s still there, and most of the time I’ve been here with her. They tested her mucus the other day and discovered another type of virus so she’s been getting more medicine for that and hopefully it’ll get her over the illness and she can go home. She’s not miserable; only bored of being here all the time. Me, too. Incredible that the sickness (another doctor classified it vaguely as "not a typical enterovirus") has lasted this long. Glad we are insured!
Today the news was better than it has been recently. She's basically been fever free since yesterday morning; if she can avoid reheating today she should probably be able to leave the hospital tomorrow. So far so good.
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1:57 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Family News
Hi everyone! Coral's latest TV appearance is now up online and translated for your consideration. Please enjoy!
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11:50 AM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Digital Lifestyles of the Distracted, Family News
As far as I can tell, NOBODY has even read my comments on "Angels & Demons" or had any reflections on what I wrote! Disappointed!
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2:20 PM
person(s) have something snide to say
This time, Chris told the utter truth about Creativity, Dan Brown, Digital Lifestyles of the Distracted, Literature, Sly Pop Culture References
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4:33 PM
person(s) have something snide to say
This time, Chris told the utter truth about Digital Lifestyles of the Distracted, Education, Exhaustion, Family News, Projects
YouTube - Eowyn In Yogurt Competition--Whoops!
Here is the latest news. (No need for a symbologist here; it's translated.) Eowyn was selected for national news report. Story at eleven. Mommy's on TV too! Enjoy!
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12:58 AM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Exhaustion, Family Fame, Family News, Family Videos, Home Videos, Kids' Modeling
"Effluvium," Langdon said. "Vapors from decaying bone." He breathed through his sleeve as he leaned out over the hole, peering down. Blackness. "I can't see a thing." (Angels & Demons 269)
Ring any bells? Yeah, the proponent of the concept of heliocentrism. Essentially, the inventor of the solar system concept. Kind of important. Kind of famous.
So why does the noted Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon seem to assume that only other eminent scholars would know the name?Langdon was certain Kohler [the head of a conclave of scientists] would recognize the name. Even nonscientists were familiar with the ill-fated astronomer who had been arrested and almost executed by the church for proclaiming that the sun, and not the earth, was the center of the solar system. ... "His name was Galileo Galilei," Langdon said. Kohler looked up. "Galileo?" (32)Thank you, Basil Exposition.
[Langdon explained to Kohler that the Illuminati] "...were taken in by another secret society...a brotherhood of wealthy Bavarian stone craftsmen called the Freemasons."For a learned scientist, Langdon seems to be quite unaware of just how well known much of his arcana really is to the general public. I kept expecting him to explain:
Kohler looked startled. "The Masons?"
Langdon nodded, not at all surprised that Kohler had heard of the group. (38)
"The Catholic church has existed literally for centuries," Langdon remarked. Vittoria stared at him blankly, even moronically. He went on, speaking patiently as he could. "It's a group of people that believe in God. And for most of that time," he continued, licking his lips with enthusiasm, for he loved to surprise people with his penetrating discussions of virtually unknown trivia of the Western world, "the Catholic church has been led by a single office. Oh, just as with the Maytag Repair Man, the office has been held by various people--sometimes Jesse White, sometimes Gordon Jump--but always by a man with an all consuming desire to control his people! And he has been known as. . .The Pope!!" Vittoria gave a startled jump into the air, bumping her shimmering hair against the nave of the church. She choked on a bit of ham sandwich and then exclaimed in a rush of incredulity, "The Pope? You mean, The The Pope?" I thought he was dead. . ."However, perhaps Langdon is too much of a specialist. Like school kids in America, Landon
"...knew [that the Big Bang] was the scientifically accepted model for the creation of the universe. (68)Ironically, unlike most adults who have finished high school,
He didn't really understand it. . . "(68)These assumptions that these common-knowledge topics need to be exposited by the narrator make me wonder who in fact is the intended audience for these novels. Are these in fact children's books? Unlikely, as the books feature lots of insinuated sex and murder and mutilation (as opposed to the Road Runner cartoons, in which we see the injuries happen).
The metal still radiated heat. Grasping the wooden handle, Langdon picked it up. He was not sure what he expected to see, but it most certainly was not this.
Langdon stared [for] a long, confused moment. Nothing was making sense. Why had the guards cried out in horror when they saw this? It was a square of meaningless squiggles. The most brilliant of all? It was symmetrical, Langdon could tell as he rotated it in his hand, but it was gibberish. (467)
...the symbol now made sense. Perfect sense. The marking's awesome power hit Langdon like a train. ... They were in reverse. Langdon had been looking at the brand's negative! (472)
Please note that I admire Brown's story-crafting ability; I just feel he needs a bit more judgment when it comes to certain areas of the narration and style; also, the judgment of a discerning editor. I am not here to hate Brown; I just want to point out that some of the things he wrote are quite outrageous and condescending, and I wanted to be the first to point some of that out and get the credit. Perhaps I am too late. I have been too lazy to Google it.Citations refer to:
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10:17 PM
person(s) have something snide to say
This time, Chris told the utter truth about Creativity, Dan Brown, Education, Exhaustion, Funnies, Literature, movies, Sly Pop Culture References, Stereotypographers, Sticklers Unite, Writing Projects
Composer Competition - The Loudoun Symphony Orchestra
Dad alerted me to this exciting competition. I may participate if I have time to come up with something and I feel my arranging and orchestration muscles are up to the challenge. I'd better hurry though!! My dad is on the board of the Loudoun Symphony and so it's extra enticing. Next year, Dad will be using his voice acting chops to make Peter and the Wolf an extra sensation for the LSO. Proud? Yes, much!
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10:02 AM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Competitions, Creativity, Family Fame, Family News, Voice Acting
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2:06 PM
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The big move happened on Saturday. Actually it was the third time we'd had help moving, with people in trucks assisting us, though we have done many car trips and STAIR trips ourselves too. BUSHED, yes, indeedy. Much zozzed out. Most big stuff moved. Must get rest out by Thursday. Owtch! Amazing how much crapola there was on the two floors of that house. . .and how much space it takes up in the new (old) house!! Crowdy, yes.
I got the four free copies of the textbook I revised today. Still has typos and other errors. They never gave me galleys to proof. Bluh! Pluh! Fuh!
And no CDs, either! Still, it was nice to hold them in my hands for the first time. If you want to teach speaking, listening, or tourism, get these and get me my 3% royalty! Wouldja?
I'm inviting my students to join the island's only seemingly active improv group, affiliated with Improv Everywhere. Already got people interested. Hope to stage something this year!
When I feed Johnnie he usually sticks his tongue out and won't drink from the bottle. Finally last night about 10:45 he had some warm milk I'd prepared after refusing many times. . .hurrah. At last!
Coral is at her "old" school today for the last time; tomorrow she'll start at her "new" one in Shetou instead of Yong Jing. Hope she's OK with that. . .
Busy busy busy. After this week it should be less hectic but not sure; have to finish my literature paper and prepare the slides for Saturday's conference, and also preregister for the other one. . .ONE of the others, I mean. Hoooo boy.
Gotta go get Eowyn back from K now. See you.
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5:34 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Digital Lifestyles of the Distracted, Exhaustion, Family News, Improv
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2:05 PM
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9:13 AM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Education, Literature, Reading
Working Class Playwright
What a great sketch!
A topic very much to my liking!
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9:06 AM
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2:04 PM
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What will Google do for its annual April Fools' Day hoax???? Any speculation? I bet it'll be a zinger!
On a personal note, I did finish the paper on using webservices in a Taiwanese college EFL drama performance class.
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9:19 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Education, Exhaustion, Google, Projects, Writing Projects
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Free, legal Harry Harrison! Recently published to Project Gutenberg after rounds at Project Gutenberg Distributed Proofreaders--it's Deathworld! You might possibly know his "Stainess Steel Rat" stories. . .this is with another hero but rather similar in general feeling. Fun stuff! Grooviolo!
I've been volunteering at Distributed Proofreaders off and on for years, trying to save the world's printed media from oblivion. It's great and it makes me feel like I'm doing something positive for the world's intellectual good. I didn't proof this book, but--hey, there it is!
I'm also working at LibriVox, a project which has as its goal to audiorecord as many public domain texts as it can into audiobook format--with all reading and other functions done by committed volunteers (and their therapists (just kidding)).
Here's a clip from Deathworld:
For the first time Jason was silent. Trying to imagine what life could be like on a planet constantly at war with itself.The Project Gutenberg eBook of Deathworld, by Harry Harrison
"I've saved the best for last," Kerk said with grim humor.
"Now that you have an idea of what the environment is like—think of the kind of life forms that would populate it. I doubt if there is one off-world species that would live a minute. Plants and animals on Pyrrus are tough. They fight the world and they fight each other. Hundreds of thousands of years of genetic weeding-out have produced things that would give even an electronic brain nightmares. Armor-plated, poisonous, claw-tipped and fanged-mouthed. That describes everything that walks, flaps or just sits and grows. Ever see a plant with teeth—that bite? I don't think you want to. You'd have to be on Pyrrus and that means you would be dead within seconds of leaving the ship. Even I'll have to take a refresher course before I'll be able to go outside the landing buildings. The unending war for survival keeps the life forms competing and changing. Death is simple, but the ways of dealing it too numerous to list."
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4:01 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Literature, Projects, Reading, Voice Acting, Volunteering
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2:05 PM
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I've just updated O'Brien on Voicecrafting with some great interviews with Corey Burton and Billy West, and a cluster of information and links on Paul Frees. Further, I introduce my new voice acting project: reading audiobooks for Librivox. Please take a look!
Also, as you may have gathered already, I missed the deadline for Conference #3's fulltext, but it's OK so far, as they extended me a later deadline: Monday! It will be an effort, but I'll get it, I bet!
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9:39 AM
person(s) have something snide to say
This time, Chris told the utter truth about bloggery, Creativity, Exhaustion, Literature, movies, neostalgia, Voice Acting, Writing Projects
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2:04 PM
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I'm trying out some of the Whose Line games with my students: "Number of Words," "Questions Only," and "90-second Alphabet" (augmented sometimes to Eight Minute Alphabet). Some success, but rather slow! Here is a board I'm working on for them.
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3:53 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Creativity, Education, Funnies, Sly Pop Culture References
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Here it is from the center of confinement in Yuan Lin, Taiwan! Sorry for the jerky video; my MacBook was running slowly!
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9:09 PM
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This time, Chris told the utter truth about Digital Lifestyles of the Distracted, Family News
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