Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Tweets

  • 15:08 hopes the moving process will be over in a quick and comparatively painless way. plurk.com/p/qdqzn #
  • 16:57 feels only moderately elated. My textbooks in hand...still with editing mistakes. . .and no CDs! Author only g... plurk.com/p/qecm0 #
  • 17:21 I'm inviting my students to join the Urban Prankster Network, started by Charlie Todd, for Improv in Taiwan. Students are interested. Boomo! #
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Monday, April 27, 2009

Very Moving

The big move happened on Saturday. Actually it was the third time we'd had help moving, with people in trucks assisting us, though we have done many car trips and STAIR trips ourselves too. BUSHED, yes, indeedy. Much zozzed out. Most big stuff moved. Must get rest out by Thursday. Owtch! Amazing how much crapola there was on the two floors of that house. . .and how much space it takes up in the new (old) house!! Crowdy, yes.
I got the four free copies of the textbook I revised today. Still has typos and other errors. They never gave me galleys to proof. Bluh! Pluh! Fuh!
And no CDs, either! Still, it was nice to hold them in my hands for the first time. If you want to teach speaking, listening, or tourism, get these and get me my 3% royalty! Wouldja?
I'm inviting my students to join the island's only seemingly active improv group, affiliated with Improv Everywhere. Already got people interested. Hope to stage something this year!
When I feed Johnnie he usually sticks his tongue out and won't drink from the bottle. Finally last night about 10:45 he had some warm milk I'd prepared after refusing many times. . .hurrah. At last!
Coral is at her "old" school today for the last time; tomorrow she'll start at her "new" one in Shetou instead of Yong Jing. Hope she's OK with that. . .
Busy busy busy. After this week it should be less hectic but not sure; have to finish my literature paper and prepare the slides for Saturday's conference, and also preregister for the other one. . .ONE of the others, I mean. Hoooo boy.
Gotta go get Eowyn back from K now. See you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Tweets

  • 15:04 is still annoyed that the time line goes backwards. What's the idea? plurk.com/p/pb074 #
  • 10:18 wants to know how to change the headless animal on my Plurk profile to something else. ANYTHING else. plurk.com/p/pg9cx #
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Tweets

  • 09:19 is introducing his students to the wondrous world of English fiction. . .why are they sleeping? :-( plurk.com/p/p96bn #
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Fiction for the Dazed--_by_ the dazed!


Fiction just looks like regular paragraphs.

Fiction is simply stories--things happening to characters.

Terms and elements of fiction.
  • The story is usually told by a narrator.
  • Dialog is given in quotation marks like these: " " These, however, are NEVER USED: 「」

  • Usually there are one or more characters, who act out the story. Not necessarily people; could be animals, robots, etc.

  • Plot. The events or actions of the story.

  • There is often a "status quo" at first, and that is disrupted somehow.

  • There is usually a conflict that needs resolution.

  • The status quo needs some exposition usually (explanation of the back story that is needed to understand what happens in the story), and a setting: a location, a time period, a social status, etc.

  • The climax is the most exciting or most intense moment of the story, possibly the point of highest emotion.

  • After the climax, we have falling action--in which we recover from the excitement of the climax and get ready for the resolution. At the end of the story, we usually are at some stable situation, although not necessarily the same situation as before.
Sorry, this is the lecture I was giving Tuesday. Don't know if anyone noticed I was teaching or not.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Working Class Playwright

Working Class Playwright
What a great sketch!
A topic very much to my liking!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Tweets

  • 15:44 hates missing deadlines! Trains, buses, papers...sleep..........!!! plurk.com/p/on52k #
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Tweets

  • 15:26 has got to do the VOCAB exam! Last week's quiz was dreadful. Give them a 2nd chance? Also lovin' Ripping Yarns... plurk.com/p/oa8xy #
  • 14:04 has fixed the broken VOCAB exam I finished at 5:30 AM today. Ecto kept sending error msgs. Not satisfactory! X... plurk.com/p/og7rx #
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Tweets

  • 11:46 has intrigued a whole class with Queensryche's tone composition "9.28 AM" (ca. 1992). Glad! Now to try "Poeme ... plurk.com/p/o2th9 #
  • 11:57 Amy has news: we are contracted to move by the end of April! Brought Lion King 1 1/2 home. A hit with the chilluns. Thes.. #
  • 11:57 Missed the 7:14. Had to take the 6:40. Missed bus in town. Had to wait. To school late. Working on Writing test today. Missed.. #
  • 11:57 Up at 3 AM to do the LISP and LIT2 exams. Did 'em! And done. 9:28 AM by Queensryche was variously interpreted. .. #
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Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Tweets

  • 20:29 正在 Hi Dadman! ILY! plurk.com/p/nj2zw #
  • 08:46 is @Dadman Thanks for the great video, Dadman! :-D plurk.com/p/nlg05 #
  • 09:11 At school for incoming student interviews. . .and preparing for next week's mid term exams. Woo? Perhaps. Hoo? Perhaps not. #
  • 09:32 To Yuntech by train for incoming student interviews. Great vid from Dad of 'spontaneous' dance in Amsterdam. .. #
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Friday, April 10, 2009

My Tweets

  • 12:37 has mixed feelings: books I was hired to revise are published, but re-revised by persons unknown. I wasn't ale... plurk.com/p/nh1xh #
  • 12:42 is determined to follow a low-appetite lifestyle. . . *CHAGRIN* :-( plurk.com/p/nh2rt #
  • 12:45 @anglobaptist You make me nervous. Please say "quiz" instead. #
  • 12:55 Amy, Gma, Jonnie to Tainan today to see great Gma! Gave Co E CJO rides too. Deadline for workshop writeup is today. Gotta concentra.. #
  • 13:39 is pleased to report that the books are NOT re-revised; they will use MY revisions and thus my voice acting re... plurk.com/p/nhbxy #
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Tweets

  • 18:00 @debbie210 Hi Debbie, here I am! Chris #
  • 13:15 @DoctorRudy Thank you! I'll find out on Fri if the abstract was accepted. I think it's in Hsin Jhu. You were right about reusing diss cuts! #
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Tweets

  • 21:34 feels tired of deadlines. One passed today; trying for an extension. . .or failing that, submitting before mid... plurk.com/p/mw5no #
  • 21:56 Made the 7:14 to town with Eowyn. Made bus. Walked to K and then back to DH building. Made various quizzes at Ectolearning.com for .. #
  • 00:09 @JKMuir Congrats on the rough resolution. Sorry to say I won't be able to go to the USA this summer though. . .too many responsibilities :-( #
  • 00:11 @BrentSpiner Brent...I am loving this narrative. Thank you. Hope you make it big! If you see CADIE. . .say hi for me. [re: Google 4/1 gag] #
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Friday, April 3, 2009

My Tweets

  • 15:01 is confused. Is Plurk shutting down, or is it a 4/1 hoax? :-o plurk.com/p/m99au #
  • 15:03 is sure that it's a joke; else, it's just incredibly bitter and sarcastic. Must be kidding. Good! plurk.com/p/m99n7 #
  • 09:29 is glad his hunch was right: It was a gag. I'm glad you're not Bitter, guys! plurk.com/p/mdi1q #
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Tweets

  • 15:25 [The snooze of the exhausted] . . . zzzzzzzzzzzzzz #
  • 15:29 is disappointed: Students were unfazed by my hoax. Too hokey? At least the Study Abroad speech went OK. Met an... plurk.com/p/m3h2k #
  • 16:58 Up at 5:30. Reset for 6:20. Couldn't work. Train; bus; walked Eowyn to school. Office 8:30. Couldn't work. To speech. It work.. #
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Tweets

  • 15:15 In case you're concerned, I finished the paper after finding a substitute eteaching website, www.ectolearning.com. It seems good! #
  • 15:16 says "Mischief Managed." Paper is done anyway. Joy! (LOL) plurk.com/p/lxcdz #
  • 20:12 Getting ready for my tomorrow's 10:30-noon gig: introducing "Studying Abroad" to lots of non-English majors, including TOEFL, CVs, studyplan #
  • 20:16 wonders if my page should be called "Spasm Nuggets" or "Spasm Flakes..." or maybe "Spam Nougat"?? :-& plurk.com/p/lytzt #
  • 21:06 @TheDutchlady Sorry to hear about these troubles. Hope you get computing again soon! #
  • 21:17 I am looking forward to Google's Hoax of the Year for April Fools' Day! WHO'S WITH ME?? #
  • 21:18 shouts: I am SO looking forward to Google's Hoax of the Year for April Fools' Day! WHO'S WITH ME?? Please repl... plurk.com/p/lz7ii #
  • 21:26 Up at 5 AM to prepare for classes today. Wordsworth's Tintern Abbey. Whose Line games; setting up for the new Ecto pages Reading Sh.. #
  • 23:13 you should follow @NeilInnes, @anglobaptist, and @HowardASherman. 9 more picks at twibes.com/?r=T1 #
  • 23:18 @anglobaptist Tried twibes.com. Don't really see the point, though. Feel like I rode thru Disney's Land of Elbow & now I'm in the giftshop-- #
  • 23:31 is hoaxing his students on his homepage--Mid-term Exams are canceled! APRIL FOOLS are pwned! plurk.com/p/m030m #
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